According to wikipedia "Emigration is the act of leaving one's country or region to settle in another. (..) There are many reasons why people might choose to emigrate. Some are for reasons of religious, political or economic freedom or escape. Others have personal reasons such as marriage. Some people living in rich nations with cold climates choose to move to warmer climates when they retire."
Well, neither of these reasons apply to me, but nevertheless I decided to move from Germany to England where it always rains and the men are not really classified as the most attractive ones in the whole wide world. When you have lived in a foreign country before, you might know how different, awkward, funny and difficult your daily life can become.
Here are some highlights of my life in London Town.

May 31, 2011

Events: Chelsea Flower Show

Beginning of last week, I decided to check out the world famous Chelsea Flower Show. I thought it's right on time since it took place from 24 - 28 May. Then my colleague said I should have bought tickets like half a year ago, because they are very fast sold out. Well, when I checked the prices I decided it's too expensive anyway. £47.00 to see some flowers?!
I went to Regent's Park instead:

Maybe I'll go to the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show in July (tickets are only £14,50) and thanks to these brilliant tips from the Chelsea Flower Show website I'll be very well prepared:
  • Wear sensible shoes - you will be much more comfortable than tottering around in 4-inch+ heels - even if they do look good!
  • Arrive early,visit those stands you really want to see first. If your feet are tired, or one garden/stand doesn't interest you, don't feel guilty for giving it a miss.
  • Take a notebook and collect website and e-mail addresses so you can later make purchases at your leisure and have the plants delivered to your door.
  • When making notes in your notebook, make a note of where you saw it as well as what you saw (eg stand number etc).
  • Grab a show catalogue - the map is essential and it will have details of all those nurseries you want to order from.
  • Take a digital camera to take pictures of plants and their labels; scribbled notes are good, photos are much, much better better.
  • Charge the battery of your camera and take an extra memory card.
  • A mobile phone or two per group is useful when you lose each other or want to meet up.
  • If you suffer from hayfever or asthma, don't forget your inhaler. Apart from all the plants in the show contributing to the pollen count, London's plane trees will also be in flower

May 30, 2011

First Time: Hairdresser

I'm generally scared of going to the hairdresser - due to some bad incidents in the past -, but I was particularly terrified of going to a hairdresser in a foreign country. What if he doesn't understand what I want or rather don't want? "Just trim the tips please." How do I say "pony" in english? Oh right, fringe.

I asked a couple of friends to recommend me a good and cheap hairdresser, but they all met me with an incredulous shake of their heads - until one of my friends suggested this one:
I thought hair by fairy sounds promising and made my way to Covent Garden on a Sunday afternoon. The place is quite hidden, but when I found it, I was amazed: 

The hairdresser was a gay Spanish guy and I still doubt that he actually speaks English, but it was the fastest, strangest, and almost cheapest hairdresser visit I ever had. While some song of Lady Gaga was playing on the radio, he cut my hair according to the beat of this song and within 10 minutes I was ready to go and pretty happy with the result.