According to wikipedia "Emigration is the act of leaving one's country or region to settle in another. (..) There are many reasons why people might choose to emigrate. Some are for reasons of religious, political or economic freedom or escape. Others have personal reasons such as marriage. Some people living in rich nations with cold climates choose to move to warmer climates when they retire."
Well, neither of these reasons apply to me, but nevertheless I decided to move from Germany to England where it always rains and the men are not really classified as the most attractive ones in the whole wide world. When you have lived in a foreign country before, you might know how different, awkward, funny and difficult your daily life can become.
Here are some highlights of my life in London Town.

January 28, 2013

Snow in London - same story as last year

The snow in London has almost completely disappeared, but it still makes me laugh and scream at the same time, when I think about how the English (not) deal with it every single year. It's not like they are taken by surprise. It's January after all and the weather forecast predicted snow, but nevertheless when the cold, white stuff starts covering our soils, public transport seems to be not prepared at all. Why is that, though?

Heathrow spent £36 million on new snowploughs since the 2010 fiasco, but still about 300 flights were cancelled once again due to the snow and also many underground and overground lines were suspended, delayed or reduced. Please don't expect an explanation from me, because I don't have one.

I was also quite surprised that there was hardly any loose gravel, except for Central London. While Berlin is not really a role model when it comes to public transport in the winter, at least as a pedestrian you have a good chance of not slipping and falling. Not so in London, I have heard from several friends that they slipped, because it was very icy everywhere.

But to end on a positive note, it seems like the English get super excited about snow in general and building snowmen in particular. In Greenwich, you could find some very creative snowmen and snowwomen sitting on benches or only enjoying the cold temperatures wrapped up warm:

P.S.: Thanks to my lovely Aussie friend who provided the photo.

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